Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cezanne #6 and 7


Getting a little bored with the frames and the AI floor and it shows. Shadow on lower right of first one is the way I took the photo. And Her head is a bit off, making it look as if she’s not looking directly at painting. 


  1. These are still great. I like the pose of the guy with his arms akimbo. There’s a real connection between him and the painting. The lady is probably reading the card that tells her what to think! I like the way your photo choices capture the various attire people wear to the art institute …

  2. No, no! Don't get bored--the frames and floor look fine. The real subject is the interaction between the person and the art...and you have that! The guy is looking at the art and the woman is reading the info on the wall. Also, there's something I like about that first shadow.

  3. Frames are fine. Get a little jiggy with them if you are bored, who would know. Love that shadow in the first one, makes you wonder what it is from which enhances the painting rather than distracts.
