Saturday, January 2, 2021

"The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen A Great Light..Isaiah

 The release of vaccine in December 2020 elicited relief from people of the universe: a couple who is grateful that no one is hospitalized or at ER during Christmas or New Year, a surgical resident in New York, a caregiver, a businesswoman, a priest, & choir members or entertainers. The vaccines are shown being administered to all races. The light skinned nurse gives a shot to a dark skinned  nurse who gives a shot to a brown skinned nurse who gives a shot to a red skinned nurse who gives a shot to a light skinned nurse. Someday, I will find the right imagery! I served as Lector at midnight mass for Christmas  Eve & the first line from Isaiah is the timely title of this Jan 2, 2021 art work! Happy Painting to Fellow Artists!


  1. Couldn't have said it any better than Isaiah! I like the composition here—it seems like a flag or a Mondrian painting or a film technique—and the way the more abstract bands separate the portraits.

  2. A joyful painting that symbolizes our hope for the new year!

  3. A nice story told. What is that stripe at the bottom right?

  4. The bottom right stripe of blue should have been filled with footprints! Alas the walkers faded!

  5. Very cool Susan. A perfect painting for our times.
