Saturday, January 30, 2021

Elaine O—January 30, 2021

Done. It's our front door with climbing rose vines creeping up the stairs. It feels like it looked on the sunny day we finished adding the street numbers in the top light. For all the planning, fine-tuning and color matching we did before we added that final touch, though, it's not all that visible! We'll revisit when the weather gets warmer.


Front Door        10"x8"

I remember painting a similar view many years ago, so I though it might be fun to compare them. I can only find this fuzzy thumbnail. Hmm.... in the past 20 years, it seems the neighbors re-sided their house, our rose plants took off and our little plastic planter died... but I can't be sure I've gotten any better as a painter!

Our House        12"x9"

I also started a new painting, but didn't get much farther than the drawing and initial washes, so we'll wait until there's something to show. Other than that, this week, we've had snow that blew and drifted on the window screens.

approx. 4" sq.

And I experimented with an earth triad of yellow ochre, burnt sienna and indigo. I did a color wheel, then a landscape (a copy of a Gauguin)...

spread approx. 3"x6"

...before trying those colors on portraits. I am surprised at the range of colors I could achieve. Also, intrigued by the way the sedimentary colors granulate.

spread approx. 3"x6"


  1. I like seeing both of your front door paintings. The older one is beautiful but so restrained! I like that reflected blue on the porch ceiling in the first one. Your portraits are very nice too.Nice color mixing.

  2. Cool little portraits. Shadows make the house so interesting.
