Monday, July 29, 2024

Sara Redone

 I may still tweak this. Choosing grey for shadow under face not good idea….the bearded lady syndrome. So much better than the first overworked one. She’s at that moment …facing the blank page. Happy to have painted this interesting group. 


  1. She does have a good expression on her face, all of us do I guess. Much of the time the class is yucking it up but there are times when the yucks die down and there is maybe half an hour when we all are under the spell of our muses. This looks like such a time.

  2. I am noticing again that the color in real life is different (and invariably better) than the photos. IRL, I see richer colors, I don't see grey shadows and I'm not seeing any bearded lady syndrome. In fact, I liked the soft blue/green of your shadows a lot. I also like the calm, serene concentration you have here--in all of this series, the concentration really stands out.

  3. I agree with Elaine. I don't see any grey shadows or bearded qualities. And commend you on your series of serious painters painting. So well done.
