Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ending Place

 Last page in the accordion Ocean Springs sketchbook. I thought a good image to end with as in a resting place.   For some reason I’m finding myself heavy handed with the color and the brush and it really shows in this one. 


  1. It looks like it has been sitting on the lawn for years getting comfier with each one.

    I would like to see those plants blocking out that fence(?) in the background.

    I particularly like the rose paint in the back of the chair, but I don't know what that yellow structure in the back is.

    Is is a comfy old chair that has been sitting on the lawn for years?

    1. Yellow structure is a tree. I should make tree darker.

  2. You're right--it's a great image to end a vacation sketchbook on. I actually like the rich colors. They seem appropriate for a shady oasis in the hot sun. The only thing I'd do differently is maybe place a branch of two of the rose bush over the blue legs of the chair to nestle it into the scene more. This makes me want to grab a cool drink and a good book and go outside!

  3. The saturated colors is what gets me into it. I agree with Elaine, a brush of flowers over the bench legs on that right side would just anchor it down nicely.

  4. I love the saturated colors too, especially that blue against the burnt sienna background. You are the queen of dense luscious color…
