Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 27 — Elaine O.

Almost there! I went for the dark background and I like it. Now, I just have to finish her face, add some final tweaks and I'll be done. 

14" x 11"


  1. Nice detail work on the shirt and her arm and the stuffy, with the shadows etc. I might darken the background a bit more, especially that section to the left of her head. They look like stacked logs to me and they’re kind of distracting….

  2. I'm with Sarah, that background does nothing to enhance the foreground and the viewer begins thinking what is that log thing and forgetting about the girl, the stuffy, and the portrait. I would like it to be dark and amorphous. I like the window and whatever that is in the lower left. They make a blue checker counterpoint, but the brown stuff, just a distraction.
