Monday, July 8, 2024

Just girls….


Since I had the real girls here this weekend, I can’t remember if I finished this in class or at home, but here it is.

I started this one today on better paper. Going slow, using very light layers…it’s tedious. I need to start something else where I can just slap the paint on…


  1. They both look good. You've really got them going now. Don't get wary just because you're using the good stuff!

  2. I really like these, especially the way the "good" version is slowly coming in. The delicacy suits the subjects. Also, I love the composition--the dual portrait filling the space vertically with minimal background. It's clever and unique but not gimmick-y at all.

  3. I think we have seen them both. I like the bottom one better and I like the lower girl in that one because she looks more clear and present. Seeing the world as it really is while her big sister is in a dreamy swoon.
