Monday, July 22, 2024

Dark and Stormy 3 done

 Well you know.  It is very loosely based on the windows across the street.  Spent a long time cropping and photoshopping the photo till I got it just right, and then carefully with yardstick and rulers transferred some lines mostly just the horizontal bands, glanced at the photo but maybe ten minutes into painting I set the photo aside and never looked at it again.  

What I am interested in is shapes and colors and mainly the interactions of paints of differing colors, staining, granulating, and that peculiar thing with edges.  It's just meant to be a shiny bauble.

There was a vaguely catlike shape at the bottom of the painting and all it needed was ears to become a cat and I could not resist.  


  1. My favorite bits are the window boxes and the colors in the panes. I'm even okay with the cat! I'm glad you didn't stick to ruler straight lines. I much prefer the wobbliness of the grid lines--they are much more evocative of a rainy night.

  2. The horizontal bands of blue and yellow really show off the color mixing. I still think the straight vertical lines are too pronounced and take my attention away from all the beautiful colors. Kitty is properly amazed by the whole thing.

  3. Looking like thick ivy to me. Like the left edge best.
