Sunday, July 14, 2024

Girls and a dog….


Well, this went a different direction. I got a little carried away with the watercolor pencils and decided that maybe they were playing with mom’s makeup and blowing bubbles at the same time.

This is finished I think. I guess knowing I had this one gave me the freedom to go wild on the previous one.

And this is Sasha, my friend’s dog, who is one her last legs. I like this pose, with the tongue and the tooth. Her legs look a little spindly,  but literally she can’t make it down the stairs by herself to get that rabbit she’s eyeing….


  1. That middle painting is magnificent. It's soft and sweet and delicate and feels like you're holding them in a gentle hug. There's a lot to be said for going wild, like the bigger painting. I love the bubble background. It really suits the dresses and the general vibe. I love the hot pink outline around Nora. The likenesses aren't as good as the close-up version, but the atmosphere is so fun. Sasha looks like a really good dog. She's got personality and you're right, that's a great pose.

  2. I like the composition better on the top painting, but I think the rendering is better on the second. I think it's the eyelids.

  3. They're all great, each in their own unique way. The middle painting is really striking, it's strong and quiet at the same time. Monumental, even. The dog does have an expressive quality, even in it's simplicity (or because of it?). All well done, Sara.

  4. I like the second one better for many reasons.
