Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 13, 2024 — Elaine O.

The face is in, final adjustments have been made, and I'm calling this finished!  I'm happy with this painting, both as a portrait and as a memory of Paris. All that remains is to give it a title.

14" x 10"

Moving on, I chose a photo with a story and decided to go full Sara on it. I began sketching parts I wanted to get more familiar with....

... then I did a blind contour (sadly, the ink I used was too light to photograph well), and a direct watercolor sketch.

More to come in the weeks ahead!


  1. It’ll be a fine addition to your portrait wall.

  2. Dave looks just great. Even his expression, as slight as it is, has weight. He’s thinking, “Where the hell did she go?” I hope you have a frame and a mat waiting for him. Your sketches are great, especially the pencil sketch. Yes I find it really helpful to practice faces.

  3. Dave looks the protagonists in a spy novel, less James Bond and more John LaCarre.

    I understand why you used the scarf you did but I would have given him a red one.

    The part I like best is Dave's steely gaze, the thing I like less is that wall behind him.

    What does Dave think?

  4. I'll tell ya, Dave is just too cool. This is your masterpiece, Elaine.
