Monday, July 15, 2024

dark and stormy 3

 The fourth in the dark and stormy night series.  I think the best thing I have done so far is leaving a lot of off-white, but then I am not finished yet.  Which of you can guess where the cat is going?


  1. Ken, you have to check your camera settings. These are so much richer and more vibrant in person than on screen. Anyway, those patches of greenery that look like the hanging gardens of Babylon (or at least, lush planter boxes) contrast so well with the rigid grids and lines of the windows. That really makes it for me. I'm guessing that white space will contain a cat of some sort, right?

  2. Maybe it’s the engineer in me but the vertical lines bother me. Some straight, some diagonal, some solid, some wavy. Maybe it’s because I think I know what the image is.
