Monday, July 29, 2024

Art Sinsabaugh

 Long story.  I wanted to post this in my comments to Alan but blogger will not let me.  You will find more info if you look at Alan's post.  

Alan Summer 8

Took some suggestions to make this chimney sketch better. Doesn’t make up for the bad perspective on the bricks. 

Addition to my rural sketchbook of grain elevators down by Kankakee. 5X10 on hot press. 

Don’t like this at all. The basic structure is ok but the colors are all wrong. Because it’s on canvas, the paint will bleed so I’ll have to take special care to change the colors. I also need to fix the reflections and to fortify the photographers on that spit of land photographing the moon. 11 X 14 on canvas board. 

Here’s a little trading card version on Yupo that is more like what I was looking for. 

Sara Redone

 I may still tweak this. Choosing grey for shadow under face not good idea….the bearded lady syndrome. So much better than the first overworked one. She’s at that moment …facing the blank page. Happy to have painted this interesting group. 

seduced by indigo

 So I got to thinking that I love my new Q burnt colors, how could I better implement them?  Which led me to thinking about Vuillard and his dense coloration, and then I remembered I had painted from a photo a couple years ago.  


It hadn't turned out well, but now I thought with my new colors and new point of view I could improve on it.

Where to start?  The flowers of course, how could I render them in some unique way?

Well clearly this was not a way, but then Sara passed by and suggested that a better way was to paint the greenery that surrounded the flower first, and damn, that sounded like a good idea.

I fiddled with that and I think I was making progress but then I put down some indigo to the right and left of it.  Oh Indigo, the crackling granulation, the hard edges and the soft valleys, the blue of the dawn shading into the dark of night.  How could I ever not use you?

So this is what I ended up on small paper and I think I will do more on big paper.  What can I do when I am in love indigo?

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 27 — Elaine O.

Almost there! I went for the dark background and I like it. Now, I just have to finish her face, add some final tweaks and I'll be done. 

14" x 11"

Class Photo — Summer 2024

We're heading into summer vacation. Aren't we a lovely and talented bunch?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer scenes….


I liked this neighborhood scene so much that I did another one.

This almost qualifies as an alley scene. I really enjoyed painting both of these. It’s like I rediscovered what I like about watercolor.

Dark and Stormy 3 done

 Well you know.  It is very loosely based on the windows across the street.  Spent a long time cropping and photoshopping the photo till I got it just right, and then carefully with yardstick and rulers transferred some lines mostly just the horizontal bands, glanced at the photo but maybe ten minutes into painting I set the photo aside and never looked at it again.  

What I am interested in is shapes and colors and mainly the interactions of paints of differing colors, staining, granulating, and that peculiar thing with edges.  It's just meant to be a shiny bauble.

There was a vaguely catlike shape at the bottom of the painting and all it needed was ears to become a cat and I could not resist.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Alan Summer 7

 I spent the week house painting ( a real house with latex enamel and stain ) so I didn’t get much watercolor painting done but I did finish the chimney. I thought some might like to see the reference photo to show what I saw. Inspiration can come from strange places. 

And here’s my sketch as the final one from my Chicago alley sketchbook. The brickwork sucks but I would do better next time.  8 X 6 on hot press. 


I was cruising through Southern Illinois a few weeks ago. I took some back roads so I could pull over and take some pictures. So I got pics of grain elevators that I was going to use in a rural sketchbook and lo and behold, I see Cris painting grain elevators of his own. But here it is anyway. 5 X 5 on hot press.



From a FB post.  Had a lot of fun with the background. The photo inspired the colors. 

July 21, 2024 — Elaine O.

I've gone through sketches and studies and finally started the actual painting. Still unresolved, though, is the background. My original intent was to make it light, but I also like her emerging from a dark warm background. Each of the color thumbnails work equally well, so I may just have to paint two big versions. Settle in for the ride!

14" x 11"

Also, I've been digging through my neglected art supplies and idea clippings and saw this "gouache resist" technique. It uses gouache, India ink and watercolor paper—stuff I had on hand! When I first read the instructions, they didn't make sense, so I clipped the article and finally tried it. You paint heavily with gouache, leaving white paper where you want black. Let dry, then paint over the whole paper with India Ink. Let dry, then wash/gently scrub off the ink. The result feels vaguely like an old wood-cut. I really had to try it for this to make sense, but I like it better than I expected to. I have some ideas for improvement and may return to this technique...just a warning!

9" x 12" approx.

Monday, July 15, 2024

dark and stormy 3

 The fourth in the dark and stormy night series.  I think the best thing I have done so far is leaving a lot of off-white, but then I am not finished yet.  Which of you can guess where the cat is going?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Girls and a dog….


Well, this went a different direction. I got a little carried away with the watercolor pencils and decided that maybe they were playing with mom’s makeup and blowing bubbles at the same time.

This is finished I think. I guess knowing I had this one gave me the freedom to go wild on the previous one.

And this is Sasha, my friend’s dog, who is one her last legs. I like this pose, with the tongue and the tooth. Her legs look a little spindly,  but literally she can’t make it down the stairs by herself to get that rabbit she’s eyeing….

July 13, 2024 — Elaine O.

The face is in, final adjustments have been made, and I'm calling this finished!  I'm happy with this painting, both as a portrait and as a memory of Paris. All that remains is to give it a title.

14" x 10"

Moving on, I chose a photo with a story and decided to go full Sara on it. I began sketching parts I wanted to get more familiar with....

... then I did a blind contour (sadly, the ink I used was too light to photograph well), and a direct watercolor sketch.

More to come in the weeks ahead!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Alan Summer 6

 One of the nice things about painting on gessoed stretched canvas is that after you spray it with fixative you can hang it without the matting and framing hassle. That’s why I paint the sides as well. 

I’m not sure that the Sheridan el stop behind Byron’s is done, but here it is. I might need to add more power lines, but maybe not. 

Here are the previous iterations.  One from my sketchbook and another one that’s larger on 140# coldpress  

I like the sketch best.  What do you think?

Whilst drinking a beer at a 4th of July party, I noticed this chimney and thought it would make a nice closing to my urban Chicago sketch book. The fun part will be the bricks. 

This is a trading card sized painting of moonrise over the Bahamas. I thought it would be simple but it was harder than I thought. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Alan Summer 5

 Am in Michigan with just my sketchbook, small pallet, and my water pen. So…… big painting but I’m working on sketches from Chicago to complete my urban sketchbook.  

This is a sketch from Tuco and Blondies. I was intrigued by the umbrellas in the beer garden. 

I’m not fond of this alley sketch, but they cannot all be winners. That’s the problem with sketchbooks…the bad ones are side by side with other work. This is an alley behind my physical therapist’s. 

Here’s a quick and dirty on Yupo of moonrise in the Bahamas. No good but I may work on it.  Missing my scratching stick.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Just girls….


Since I had the real girls here this weekend, I can’t remember if I finished this in class or at home, but here it is.

I started this one today on better paper. Going slow, using very light layers…it’s tedious. I need to start something else where I can just slap the paint on…

Just experimenting


Sketching on the next in the series.  I love the combo of green gold and perylene green and I thought they should be the stars of the next one.  When I saw that section in the upper right I thought:  Ah, I shall make that the subject of the big paper, but working on it in that left part, it just didn't have the heft to carry a whole painting.   

I think that part in the bottom middle is what I will use.  And will try to get in some of those water drops which many of my devoted fans think should have their turn in the limelight.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 6, 2024 — Elaine O.

Getting there! The jacket and scarf are done and now it's on to the face, hair, and final touches.

14" x 10"

I've been filling a not-so-great sketchbook with blind contour drawings, just as a warm-up. Generally, I think the value of the blind contour is more in the process than the product. I find, though, that I actually like a few of my drawings and thought I'd try a larger one on watercolor paper with color (below). This one's neither accurate nor distorted enough to be interesting, but there is something I like. I just may have to do more.

12" x 9"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ending Place

 Last page in the accordion Ocean Springs sketchbook. I thought a good image to end with as in a resting place.   For some reason I’m finding myself heavy handed with the color and the brush and it really shows in this one.