Monday, January 8, 2024

Palette cleansers…

 Trying to use up gobs of old paint on old palettes with these quick sketches and small drawings. I can’t seem to settle on a project painting right now.

I did another small still life but again the shadows gave me problems.

I think I did these in class before break but I never posted them. Top one is 9x12, and the bottom one 5 x 7 maybe.i just need to set up a still life and paint it instead of asking existential questions like why paint at all…


  1. Like the papery grey onions against that light pink and baby blue background.
    Do I see evil phthalo blue in those garages? Very nice composition. I'd show the image the door and go full bore abstract.
    And the winner is number three!!! A sunny morning on a sub zero day in the middle of January. A little further down the eave the icicles blaze in the full sun and if you brush them they tinkle like sleigh bells. Very nice!!! The circle is wrong but I like it.
    I like the first still life best. That orange is bursting with Florida goodness waiting to be juiced in a cozy midwestern kitchen on a subzero morning.

  2. So much to say! Love the value study at top. That color is lovely. The alley composition is so active--and nice feeling of light in the alley at night. Same thing with the third image--the light is incredible. And the other colors are just subtle enough to really give the feel of sunlight on a frosty morning. The monochrome self-portraits are great. And I love that first still life--the additions to the fruit are intriguing but the fruit remains the star. Also, I know what you mean about what to choose for a project painting.

  3. Onions are fun aren’t they? Nice gestural drawing with those simple colors. Appreciate the alley painting and think Ken might have the right idea. Also like the diffused winter sun. I really like the still lifes especially the citrus one. I think your shadows are good in that one. Looks kinda like Yupo. I also like the criss cross pear sauce ones but I’d leave that white napkin (or whatever that is) out altogether. I think that I’ll do some small still lifes waiting for my hip to let me up.

  4. Painting up a storm, Sara. The value study is lovely in its direct, simple capturing of the essence of things. Speaking of capturing, the winter light in the two outdoor paintings is exquisite, whether sunlight or streetlight. And knocking out those gesture drawing portrait paintings. I don't see trouble with shadows in the still life paintings. Okay, maybe the gray blob could be a little more defined, but the fruit itself is gorgeous. And those pears. I like the close-up ring of pears the best.
