Sunday, January 14, 2024

Alan Winter 3

 Unable to sit up and paint after hip replacement and being too loaded to draw lying on my back, I still wanted to contribute to the blog in some way. So here goes. I don’t think anyone has seen these and I kinda liked them but would understand of nobody else did. 

This is a European street scene using alcohol inks and watercolor on Yupo. 

This is a performance portrait of legendary blues artist Gary Clark Jr. I liked the sharp lines and the theatrical lighting. Watercolor on 140# coldpress. 

Just now able to sit at a table so I finished this quick sketch of my old friend Larry Hart acting in “Marat Sade.”  He’s a really good artist. Watercolor on 140# hot press. 


  1. Hope you're recovering well. I like the atmosphere in the cityscape and the lighting and angle you chose to paint the second painting. That final portrait reminds me of the Courbet painting a bit. Again, I like the angle you've chosen.

  2. I like all three of these. I like the mood of the street scene and the angle of the little piece of street. Like the lighting on Gary and the angle on Larry. Like his hair and the bags under his eyes.

  3. You can't keep a watercolor artist down for long! I like that all 3 showcase a completely different style of painting and mood. At first glance I thought the last one was a self-portrait upon arising. But then the hair gave it away, and the eyes...Nevertheless, a great portrait full of expression.

  4. Hope you’re up and walking around a bit. I like the colors n all three of these and the simplicity of the drawings. The combo really contributes to the emotional depth of each one.
