Sunday, October 16, 2022

still evolving

 I prefer to think of the background as terrazzo rather than particle board.  I am thinking of it as one of those mottled backgrounds, but with the hard edged foreground it needed a little grit to keep the pace. But now changes will have to be made in the petals.  That's okay, I have nothing but time.


  1. Okay, terrazzo it is. I think you're right about the petals now that the background is in. I still wish it were a clear turquoise blue, but I'll trust you and wait to see how it comes out.

  2. And what’s going in that foreground white section? More of the same background? I actually thought the background was another layer of petals, but maybe this is a chopped down sunflower lying on a terrazzo floor….

    1. I'm thinking something like on the flower side only greenish and straighter. It is indeed a fallen flower spread out over a snazzy floor. You always get me Sarah.

  3. It’s starting to interest me.
