Sunday, October 23, 2022

Moody stuff…

 Not sure if this is finished or not…certainly falls into the high drama category…

Here’s another high drama candidate.I always think these window shots  are a good idea, but never really like them— too much going on. But this is still a work in progress..

This is a painting from years ago that I just “touched up”… it had a lot of brighter colors in it and I toned them all down. Now it looks kinda spooky…

I’m tryi


  1. I was trying to post the Vuillard painting that inspired me but it won’t let me, so you’ll have to look it up. It’s “Fleurs dans un vase” 1905…

  2. Yes, you can see the Vuillard influence. The dark frame makes the outside seem so much lighter and brighter in the window painting. I want to be in that last painting, with the soft sunlight moving across the warmly glowing wooden floors, beckoning me to the chair. It's so warm, inviting and cozy.

  3. Being in Michigan right now, I can really see your tree. They are all over but you have added something true that really takes it into the realm of art.

  4. I thought you were going to post the original green chair portrait. Was that the one with the Vuillard inspiration? Was it another. Did internet research on the fleurs dans and I think it will be my next painting,
