Sunday, October 30, 2022

fleurs dans un vase

This is what Vuillard painted and what I am sort of basing my painting on in a very loose way.

 And here is where I am at this Sunday morning.  Well I feel a little better about it than I did Saturday.

So who is up for the ten minute painting from an image that you haven't seen before?  9:15 Saturday morning?


  1. Like your wall paper and the background … interested to see if you extend that muted palette to the table and the vase…

  2. You've done some more work on this! I really like the wallpaper and the textured wall. They almost steal focus from the subject and the bold stripes. Can't wait to see how this ends up. And thanks for adding the inspiration Vuillard.

  3. And yes, I'm up for a quick sketch warm up
