Sunday, October 23, 2022


 A long time coming.  I first began this on September 18.  Thought I was done except for a few details when I brought it in Saturday morning, but then my panel of experts wanted something to counter or enhance those little purple darts between the petals.  No, I thought it is looking pretty good as it is, why risk it and besides I kind of liked the imbalance.

So I started on a bee, but there was also a bee put under my bonnet, and then I thought why not not ultramarine because it is similar to and on the blue side of purple and like purple is not seen anywhere else in the painting?  I blotted out the green in that last row of sepals and filled them with ultramarine and I think it worked out well.


  1. It certainly did work well. It's just enough to push the background away so the subject doesn't get lost. Good choice! Also, I really like this painting. It's so alive. My favorite of your sunflowers so far--and I like the whole series a lot.

  2. It must be entertaining to live inside your head.
