Friday, September 2, 2022

Maybe I’m done

 I can’t seem to get this done the way I want it. I want it like this

But it turns out like this

I think it’s in the drawing. Certain things I do like but not everything. It was fun though. I don’t know if I’ll wash it off and start over. A recovering of the Yupo. 


  1. Yours is more abstract but also more interesting. But if you really want it to look like the top one, just trace the damn image and paint it!

  2. The top one is much closer to realism on the real/abstract spectrum. I really like your take on the stump but I agree with Sara—if you truly want the top one, trace it and have at it with the paint. If that was good enough for Degas, why not you?

  3. Is that first one, a photo going through a watercolor filter? If it is aren't you like a human copying a robot?
