Saturday, September 3, 2022

Elaine O. — September 3, 2022

I'm still working to finish my panorama paper pad. This painting documents the continuing devastation of a once-peaceable neighborhood by the charter school across the street. This is the last tree to die during the deforestation of the entire block. Sad, senseless and ugly!

18" x 6"

Other than that, it was a productive week, but without a lot to show. I finished my big pad of Fabriano watercolor paper; I finished a sketchbook and started another; I started another "series of 30" (quick blind contour drawings this time) and I started to swatch all my paints. Looking forward to seeing everyone in person next week!


  1. Love the way the window and bricks are painted. Why are they cutting down all the trees? Chicago is supposed to preserving its tree canopy. And parkway trees are city property. You can call the Bureau of Forestry and Request a replacement tree. It might take a year but they do eventually come and plant a tree. On the plus side, it seems you’ve channeled your agitation into painting! Looking forward to seeing paintings in person!

    1. Sadly, the alderman had them cut down at the behest of the school. He's now planning to tear out the parkways and cement a cutaway to solve congestion...despite the fact that they already have two blocks of no parking, two parking lots and a cutaway (that they use for parking and not traffic control). What they don't have is control or any plan or communication with the parents. It's really unfortunate and a serious loss to the neighborhood.

  2. See now the shape of the paper dictates the contents, or more likely the contents of the image demand the shape of the paper, or... Well you know.
    I like the way it reads from top to bottom, one detail after another.
