Saturday, September 24, 2022

Elaine O. — September 24, 2022

The penultimate in the "Death of a Neighborhood" series. The entire block has been deforested and the fallen branches await removal. Along with the beauty of the trees, the neighborhood lost so many other benefits—air quality improvement from the idling car and bus exhaust fumes, noise abatement from the incessant honking, revving engines, and shouting teachers and parents, storm water control for flooded streets and many benefits lost and nothing gained!

Trees Awaiting the Tumbrel     9" x 12"

One last painting still to go in the series, but I'll need a break first. The anger and sadness this incident brings up isn't good for my blood pressure (or the environment!). So next week, look for something sweet like babies or puppies or flowers.


  1. I’m going with babies myself.

  2. I like the added cones - draws more attention to the stump. Isn’t there a local coffee shop or a local library branch where you could hang this series and your astute comments? I feel this deserves a wider audience, particularly in your ward, but it really illustrates the citywide issue of alderpersons not listening to constituents…

  3. We were there last night. I don’t know where u live exactly. I think we were on Gregory St but it still had trees. I saw some baby trees.

    Good job on bldg. i feel your pain.

    1. Gregory St. is fine; they planted new trees after some sewer or curb work. The devastation is on the south side of Bryn Mawr, near Paulina. It's still an ugly scar and pains me every time I have to see it.
