Sunday, September 11, 2022

Here come the bees

 Put in the bees, did some rough shadowing on the petals and the sepals.  That indigo sky I don't know what to do with.  With all that gum arabic it's like walking down an icy sidewalk.  I don't know why the paint will react until I put it down.  I'll add some ultra marine and maybe turquoise and maybe even that trickster, cobalt blue, because sometimes you need a trick.


  1. This almost has a sci-fi vibe; the bees vs. the giant alive sunflower invasion from space…the background looks more like water than sky, so the fight takes place over the ominous sea…maybe there’s a climate change moral at the end cuz I don’t think the bees are going to win….

    1. Yes water, why didn't I realize that that's what it is? Thank you. You get me.

  2. There was a vibe I got when I saw this and I think Sara's described it perfectly--that us vs. them, David vs. Goliath feeling. I'm rooting for the bees, but I greatly fear a good many of them will be lost in the battle. The background has a feeling of radio waves or something from a black and white sci fi movie. I do like the little halos around the sunflower and the bees (especially the wings). Maybe cobalt will make it a little less scary (being the friendly color it is).

  3. I like the flower and its yellow color. I guess I don't appreciate the background. It gave me vertigo.
