Thursday, February 3, 2022

A rose by any other name

 Is a very loose rose. From an exercise in an art class in the fall. 


  1. This is great. I've always thought that the best watercolors look like they had been done in fifteen minutes, a couple pokes into the paint box, a few strokes, and maybe just a light dab of water and voila. Likely the painting took longer than that, possibly much longer, but it looks like it was shave and a haircut, two bits. How big is it?

    1. I'm guessing the problem here is that after you make a comment, you hit the back button to make another comment but notice that the first comment is not there, so you make it again, and again it is not there, and so on. The problem is that by hitting the back button you go back to a time before you made the comment and that is why it doesn't appear. It's best to reload the page after making a comment because then it appears. I'm saying that because that is what I used to do. And isn't it irritating the way that when you delete a comment, it feels compelled to tell the world that you have deleted a mistake.

    2. See, I notice now that my comment should have ended with a question mark, but the only thing I can do about it, other than this is delete it, but then blogspot would be compelled to notify the whole world that I had made a mistake. It does not forgive and it doesn't want anybody to forget.

    3. I only comment once. It looks OK. But when I come back in later it has repeated several times.

    4. I only comment once. It looks OK. But when I come back in later it has repeated several times.

    5. I only comment once. It looks OK. But when I come back in later it has repeated several times.

  2. This is so sweet! It's very loose, and it really works. Every patch of color, every brush stroke contributes something. And the slivers of white really make the glass sparkle. It feels like a small jewel. Is it small?

  3. I’m with Ken again. I love this.

  4. Just gorgeous, Greeta. Everything about is perfect.
