Saturday, February 12, 2022

Elaine O. — February 12, 2022

Here's a photo of the sword and dagger brushes I've been playing with, per Ken's request. My hand is included for scale. Does anyone but me find it odd that the dagger is larger than the sword?


Except I haven't been playing with them. I've used them, but not in a concerted attempt to befriend them. Instead, I attended a robotics tournament. Very exciting! Here's the playing field...

 ...and one of the competitors with his robot. The teams build their own robots and take turns driving them to complete various tasks, for which they get points. To be clear, the field is about mid-calf high and they stand outside and remote control their bots. Also, no robots were killed. attacked or hurt in this tournament. Still, it was very thrilling!

Currently, I'm working on a "commission." This is Timmy. Timmy is a rat. I began by sketching to try to get a feel for the subject. I haven't met Timmy (and don't plan to), so I'm working from a single small photo.

They are starting to look less like otters with cat heads and more like rats, so I think I'm on the right track. I confess I also used photos of other rats to get a better sense of rat anatomy before returning to Timmy.

Here's a quick color test with my sword brush.

Getting closer. One more study and I think I'll be ready to paint. I'm still working on the background.


  1. I also expected more formidable weapons. Like the rat. Could I call him Stuart? Is he black and white? How big are these paintings?

    1. I know! Those names are fiercer than the actual brushes. As for the little black and white rat... you CAN call him Stuart, but he won't answer. His name is Timmy.

  2. Is the “commission” for Tommy? Who’s paying you?

    I’m using Greeta’s Dagger brush and I love it. Now I have to get one of my own. You are costing me a fortune.

  3. By the way. I like it already.

    1. No, the commission is for Timmy's owner. And it's not actually a paid commission—more of a request. Hence the quote marks around the word :-)

  4. You’ve got some cute ears on that rat! I saw a squished rat walking back to my car from class Saturday-wish I had photographed him for you! Of course I may have another opportunity since Joe has an ongoing crusade against the rats who live in our yard and feast on the chicken feed next door. Trade secret: he baits them with peanut butter filled Oreos…
    I like your sketch of the robot master. You captured the intensity of a budding engineer. What’s the difference between the sword and the dagger brushes, in terms of brushstroke capabilities?

  5. I'm with you and Joe about rats. Yet, my niece keeps them as pets and finds them "adorbs." And you're right about her brother. He's got an intensity about his interests, and he is interested in engineering.

    My dagger is longer and has more sway to it because the angled cut starts further up the bristles. I don't think all brands are the same and I think the names are interchangeable, so I'm only speaking for my two. They have a nice point and the angled cut makes fine thin lines and wide flat blocks of color. So, theoretically, I could use one brush instead of switching between a round, flat and rigger.

    1. I only used it one time and almost completed an entire painting with one brush and I really like that. Actually, with the dagger, the oval wash, and my 00 round I could get by with those three alone for most of my paintings.

  6. Robotics and Rats. Is there a connection there somewhere? Great stop-action sketches of Timmy.
