Saturday, February 19, 2022

Elaine O. — February 19, 2022

Timmy is finished and ready for delivery! I used Aquabord (it's a masonite panel with an absorbent clay coating). The board takes paint slightly differently than paper. Glazing and layering yield strange results, so you have to get it quickly, with minimal fiddling. Then, it was sealed with a wax coating and buffed. I'm happy with it.

Timmy    6"x 6"

As you may know, I have a bit of a history with masking fluid. My first bottle dried solid for lack of use. Before I could even start my second bottle, it broke in my art bag, saturating paints and papers. Undeterred, I got another bottle. I used it a few times, but it just broke on me...of course!

I transferred some of it into a tiny squeeze bottle with a narrow point. I had a thought to use the bottle like a pencil to draw outlines and leave them white instead of black. Failure! The fluid clogged the tip and my efforts to unclog it with a pin only broke off the metal tip. So this is as far as I got. It has potential as a technique and might be fun to try again...if I ever buy more masking fluid. If I do, it's going  to have to be in a plastic container! Or maybe masking fluid and I are just not meant  to be.

Masking fluid experiment    5" sq.


  1. I pour a some into one pod of a plastic portable palate. Then I use an embossing tool to draw the lines (they come in several widths or sizes) or shapes. After the masquing fluid dries on the palate it just comes out like rubber cement. It’s really come in handy but don’t be afraid to use it up because it really stinks when it’s old.

    Liked Timmy but not enough to want one.

    1. Yep, that's normally how I use mask, but I thought I'd try to combine storage and delivery in one container. And I hoped this might yield more continuous drawing lines...kind of like the difference between a dip pen and a fountain pen. Oh well!

    2. That would be a nice invention.

  2. I like Timmy too. He has a ying yang vibe about himself. I like the way the mask breaks up that painting of what I am thinking of as a medieval sorceress (that pointy red hat) in a voluminous blue dress.

  3. I can't help but focus on that ear of Timmy's. It looks just like a human ear to me.
    I so like your experimental mask painting. It's fierce.

  4. I forgot to mention that I loved the masquing experiment. It just makes me want to paint. It just vibrates on the paper.

  5. I also forgot this. Richeson Mediums (the Shiva series) liquid masque. Lighter than other masques and more delicate. Easier to put on and really easy to remove.

    1. I'm not sure what brand I have/had since the bottle is broken. I know my first one was yellow (Winsor Newton). My second bottle was a pale neon orange and my last/current bottle was a pale pink. I can't say I used any of them enough to be any sort of connoisseur, though.
