Sunday, February 13, 2022

Moms and babies still…

 Hard to believe both paintings are based on the same photo - and still, neither resembles the actual people! Oh well, I kind of gave up on resemblance and just tried to make an interesting painting. FYI, babies are much harder to paint than adults, with their tiny squished features and pale unblemished skin….I like them both for different reasons, but for the time being, I’m going back to trees and houses….


  1. I think that you are getting better at this and shouldn’t give up. Maybe paint trees and houses but stick some people there. That always screws me up.

  2. These are really good... both of them! You're right about how difficult babies are. What I really like about all your iterations of this is the way you've captured the weight of the baby leaning into the mother and the way she adapts her posture to cradle her baby. You've completely nailed the feel of both sitters and made a kind of statement about mothers and children in general. Beautiful.

  3. Ah, blue in the picture frames, great idea. I think I liked the indoor one better in class, but on the blog I prefer the outdoor one.

  4. You can see how much stronger these portraits are in every way (compared to the ones from your previous post). It's amazing.
