Sunday, February 6, 2022

sepia one and two two

 Put just a touch of color on Annie, but I can hardly tell.  But class yesterday (all four of us) said it was time to stop so I am.

This is going to be sepia 2, inspired by one of my corn paintings.  Not sure what I am doing,  Hoping that when I bring in the kernels between the husks they will show me the way.


  1. Class is absolutely right. Stop now. Annie is perfect. I like the touch of color you've added to her, by the way. I originally thought that was unnecessary, but now that you've done it, I think it's just right. I'm looking forward to the corn painting. It's already got the feel of the texture of corn, despite being abstracted. Lovely!

  2. You’ve chosen to do my favorite corn painting. Waiting for kernels.

  3. Sepia Cat is outstanding, Ken. A real knockout. Looks like your sepia series is complete now...or a lot of green has crept in the next phase...
