Sunday, February 13, 2022

More damn flowers

 I’m using this lily to experiment with a more formal planning of doing a watercolor painting.  You know, like the teacher tells us to do. 

So first I did a value painting. 

Then I did a contour drawing and dropped in paint. 

Then I drew a rough version on 140# cold press. Then I painted the background with various washes, started adding some detail and masqued and scratched in other detail. 

It looks like crap but hopefully I can turn it into a good painting. 


  1. The value study and contour painting are lovely. The final painting holds promise.

  2. It's amazing how much help those studies are. Even if you go a different way in the final, you really get to know your subject... and it shows. I like the value study a lot. And the final looks like it's going to be very rich and deep.

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  5. I don't get it. In the first painting it looks like light petals against a dark background, but in the second it looks like dark petals against a light background. Plenty of possibilities in the third one, especially with that brownish cat just below the flower.

    1. Yes. That is my problem. It’s really vibrant colors on top of dull colors.

  6. Again, your value study is exquisite. If you can hold on to that quality when you go into color, oh my.
