Saturday, February 26, 2022

Elaine O. — February 26, 2021

I am still playing with the masking fluid before the last of it dries out. I used a squeeze bottle to draw the outlines before painting. The rough line quality added to the whimsical feel, I think. These are garbage bags, on their way from my Mom's attic, through the kitchen and porch and down the stairs to the dumpster. In real life, it felt like a scene from Disney's Fantasia. While this isn't great art, it makes me smile.

March of the Garbage Bags    10"x8"

Can you tell I'm still trying to decide on my next series? I tend to get a little restless and try new or new/old things. Here, I experimented with some charcoal. It comes in a tin and is water soluble so you can paint it on like watercolor. I combined it with watercolor for the granulation...

... and used it alone for some quick, direct portraits. These served double duty as I'm continuing to try out my dagger brush. We're becoming quite good friends. In fact, I sense some of my other brushes getting a little jealous.


In a palette cleaning mood, I've combined ultramarine blue with light red. They both granulate and tend to separate easily; in fact, they almost repel each other. Notice the orange halos on this sketch? There must be something I can use this for, right?



  1. I love the trash bags. One teacher sent me outside into nature to paint and I came back with a multi colored Yupo painting of garbage bags. Everyone else painted flowers and houses. Trash bags are fun to paint.
    I’m continuing to use my dagger brush as well. Between that, the oval wash, and a small round, they might be the only brushes I need.

    I also love palate cleaning. It’s amazing what you can find when you don’t really care.

  2. Oh Elaine, I luv the marching garbage bags! That's the best use of masking I've ever seen. That could be an interesting series in itself. I mean the masking that creates a 3D look or a collage sensibility. That combo of colors in your sketch is magical, isn't it? The sketches are beautiful.

  3. I'm curious. Did you at one time have all the bags lined up out the door or is that your imagination? I like both the watercolor and the charcoal. How about a close up of just one garbage bag? What drama in the next two paintings, And that last one is something I am aiming for in this sepia series, though I always seem to get distracted by something else.

    1. Yep, it's all real and I have a reference photo to prove it!
