Monday, June 10, 2024

Still dark still stormy

 Trying to get away from the flannel shirt look by personalizing the panes.  Lots of stuff to go over and over here.  Now tell me true, if you saw just this painting would you think IBM Building?


  1. It’s possible, but then I’ve spent a lot of time in that building.

  2. I think you're making great progress. I find the windows very intriguing. I don't know if I'd immediately think IBM Building, but I'm not super familiar with that building. I can see lit windows in a Mies van der Rohe style skyscraper, but also a bookshelf full of books, a quilt--so many things!

  3. To me it looks more like a stained glass in a Frank Lloyd Wright home….and if the windows are so variable in color, I don’t get why the blue/gray bands wouldn’t also vary more in value, if not color.

    1. Because it's the ibm building. Actually it's not even that. It is paint on a paper. That question was meant to be a joke.
