Sunday, June 30, 2024

Alan Summer 4

 After last week’s showtime it occurred to me that people thought that I had completed the lake painting on gessoed canvas where I still had a lot of work to do. I should have taken a photo of it then but I didn’t. I think I’ve pretty much finished it now although this medium allows me to fairly easily change some elements

Every time I look at it I see something I might change - like that shadow line on the hill next to the railing. 

I’m working on a larger version on Yupo of the el track behind Byron’s. I’ve decided to be fairly free with this version and might base it on the sketch rather than the original photo. We’ll see. 


  1. The first one.

    1. It looks like August, just before the first yellow leaf hits the sidewalk in front of you.

    2. I would make the trees darker and more heavily drooping.

    3. I like the lake best, still and reflecting. The part I like least is those two roofs by the pier.

    4. Did you take the vertical brushstrokes into account while painting, or did let them take care of themselves?

    1. It’s June. I’ll think about the leaves. Maybe that singular branch. I cleaned up most of the crap along the shore. Got to have some to give it a sense of place. The canvas takes care of the vertical movement. They are not brush strokes but do look like them. I do take some notice though.

  2. I see you've put some of the railing in the shadow of the trees and softened the pink reflections. That makes all the difference! Also, I think leaving the vertical gesso brushstrokes works particularly well with this painting--no need to sand them smooth here. I see the paint isn't beading up on the Yupo anymore. Did you wash the entire sheet or just the problem areas? Also, is the telephone pole's slant intentional? I can't decide if it lends a sense of action or impending doom.

    1. The problem areas. Although it is mostly problem area. I’m leaving it where it works. The telephone pole is indeed slanted. I liked the look of it.

  3. Yes, I thought the landscape was finished when you showed it in class. I think the rooftop angles integrate well with the angles of the handrail. It does seem that the darkness along the hill may be a tad too dark, but otherwise it all looks good to me. It's true the vertical brushstrokes on the canvas do add to the overall quality of the landscape. I'm enjoying the abstract quality of the Yupo painting thus far. Maybe the blackish building is a bit too obvious, but then again, who knows where it will go...

  4. I like the progression of the straight lines, from roadside, to railings, to rooftops - leads you right into that lovely reflective pond. I like the abstract quality of the yupo with those few realistic touches. The telephone pole against the horizontal platform creates a strong dynamic.
