Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 8, 2024 — Elaine O.

Moving to landscape...  I was strolling around Versailles when this incredible tree caught my eye. Great presence, amazing sense of movement. And suddenly, big dark storm clouds rolled in. That sky and that tree just needed to be memorialized. This is my first attempt. It's not quite right, but I can see what I plan to change for the next try. 

Storm Cloud over Versailles study    12" x 9"


  1. It looks like a hot humid late July day when suddenly, like a thief in Baghdad, the clouds rush in to give us a thrill.

    I think I would crop it closer to the tree and the cloud.

    The tree is the star but I give the award to the cloud for supporting actor.

    What will be different in the next attempt?

    1. The plan is to move closer to the tree and cut way back on the foreground. Also, I want to make the cloud more towering and more threatening, with a little more rolling white bits. And I'm going to go with more of a portrait of the tree.

  2. I always enjoy the beauty of a backlit storm cloud. I think that the parts of the tree that have some light behind them are more striking. A few more spots behind the dark row might be good.

  3. ooo, so moody. You've really caught the atmospheric light of the scene. I hope you don't cut our the water or grass because I think they also add to that eerie quality of light.

  4. I agree with Pat that the foreground adds to the drama, but I’d say the sky steals most of the show in this composition….
