Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 29, 2024 — Elaine O.

I'm slowly moving forward, not in any hurry. I love this moment and want to get it right. I am a bit worried about the face and especially where the profile meets the background, so I'm circling around the head (hoping to get him to the level of the pot and stick). As for the scarf, I know many of you prefer red, but I really want to document this particular scarf, so blue it stays. Plus, I already gave an imaginary red scarf to the imaginary person in the background.  

14" x 10"


  1. I really like everything I’ve seen so far.

  2. 1. It looks like a ghost returning to his old haunts.

    2. I would widen the space on the right so that it looks like Dave's reflection in the mirror is of Aristide.

    3. I like the far right best of course and the wall behind him is the least, but I am sure that will change once it gets some paint.

    4. When you took the photo were you thinking of making it a painting or did that come to you later?

    1. That's an interesting take--making it a mirror reflection. I might have to give that some thought. I was hoping the person would be enough to make the left interesting, so I'm going to wait to add to the wall until I see if it's necessary. And I wasn't thinking of a painting when I took the photo, just that Dave looked a little iconic. I decided to paint it when I saw the actual photo (with some cropping and tweaks).

  3. You can always do a second one with the red scarf. And give the imaginary person a blue scarf. Actually I’ve found profiles to be easier than any other pose.
    But then I do have a magic brush.

  4. I luv watching Dave slowly emerge into his Parisian locale. And he can wear what he wants! That scarf has particular significance if I recall correctly.
