Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alan Summer 3

 I’ve finished the behind Byron’s under the el painting based on my sketch.  When you make it bigger I find that the elements need a lot more detail. Where you can merely suggest elements when it’s small, you have to tell more of a story so it makes sense when it’s bigger. I also liked the looseness of the sketch that made this heavy structure light and airy. I’ll have to try this again with even larger paper - maybe even Yupo. 

Another sketch of a Chicago hot dog stand is of Budacki’s on Damen with a colorful eating area in the parking lot. 


Sunset at our lake cottage. Beginning this on gessoed canvas. I like the way that the canvas helps the reflections. 


  1. You're on a roll, Alan. The Budacki's painting is so happy; it just says summer. I like both of the Byron's paintings, but they are different--one's more sketchy and atmospheric, the other is much more sharp and definitive. I think a Yupo version might fall somewhere in between. Try it! Are you going to paint the hot dogs from these places too? Or are you leaving that to Greeta as the food expert? I agree that the canvas is a good surface for the reflections. That's going to be a good one.

  2. I like the first alley better. It is jam packed while the second is serene and I like jam packed better. I love the texture of the brush strokes on the canvas one. Will they stay throughout the painting?

  3. I agree with Ken (words I don’t often say or write…) the first sketch has a city feel, while the second one looks like it could OakPark or some other well mannered burb.

  4. I agree with you. But the problem with the nice one is that there are errors in perspective as well as logic. The first one has an underneath dimension that the second sorely lacks so things are in the wrong dimension. Being larger even makes it worse.
