Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023 — Elaine O.

Finished! Just a few tweaks, but I think he's done. You see the coolest people on the El.

15"x 10"

Interestingly, I compared the final to my rough sketch. Isn't it amazing what a difference a background makes? The blues on the sketch (below) were much darker. But when I put in the background, I felt the need to go with lighter, brighter blues so he stood out. And, to be honest, the final painting is truer to the actual colors he wore. I'm happy.

Here's the playground painting. The kids are adorable; the bug is adorable, even the contraption in the background is bright and happy...but sometimes, the magic just doesn't work.

9" sq.


  1. I think that it’s just those red daggers coming out of the kids head that bothered me. The other red verticals didn’t bother me but those did.

  2. The bug steals the thunder from the beautiful children. Maybe a different composition where the bug is close up and you only see part of it and the kids are larger and closer and more the focus. On your first one I love the sliver of the passenger in front of blue boy. He adds so much context.
