Sunday, September 17, 2023

Arguelles and Sandberg Kids

 Isabella and Terrance ….Charles and Emmet. Summer day. 


  1. A diptych! I don't know if you planned it that way, but it's cool how the main horizontal and the other elements, like legs, heads, etc.) all line up and the reds bookend the kids. It's meant to be seen together...yet each painting stands alone. Brilliant!

  2. Thanks. But I forgot to match up the structures behind them. They were sitting in a row. I decided the pic would be too big for 4 on one sheet but now I kinda regret it.

  3. Both the faces on the left look improved since class. I think each look fine as stand-alones: the wild ones and the solid citizens.

  4. They would look great framed and hanging side by side…
