Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16, 2023 — Elaine O.

Almost finished! I just have a few touches left (his shoes, the train signage and perhaps a bit around his face. What's taking so long, you ask? Patiently waiting for things to dry before moving on...mostly!

14.75" x 9.75" (approx.)

Meanwhile, I've started in on another painting of two children on a playground. This uses the Arches rough pad and, like the painting above, features googly eyes. Could this be a new series for me? I do like googly eyes, but I'm not sure this is sustainable.

approx. 8" sq.


  1. These are great! I like how you block in the face features with shadows, what a good idea. Mr Blue needs a shadow on his left hand but otherwise he’s done imo. Love how you caught his posture so well, kind of that protective hunch around his squishie thing…l

  2. Oh yeah, this is the berries. Not only a blue thing going on but sort of a tan thing also with the plastic of the seats and the bare legs of the guy and the pants of the guy sitting in front, kind of like the guy on the stool with his back to the window in nighthawks. I see another story starting with the ladybug folks but I will need a few more details.

  3. Blue Boy should have been passed around. I just now noticed Marina City in the background. Excellent depiction of a somewhat unusual subject in a very familiar setting. I’ll be looking for this guy on the CTA.

    1. See Elaine. I told you it was Marina City!

    2. Okay, you and Greeta win. We'll say it was intended to be Marina City all along!
