Sunday, April 9, 2023

Elaine O. — April 8, 2023

Both my pad of panorama paper AND my painting of trash bags are finished! There's something I really like about the way the bags march through the tall slice of paper. I see more and more possibilities to explore (compositionally) with this paper. I don't think we've seen the last of it!

March of the Garbage Bags 18" x 6"


  1. Good looking trash bags! I like how they lead towards the window, which then leads your eye back thru the composition again. Very clever…also great job of evoking the shininess of the plastic. Who knew a row of garbage bags could be so interesting…

  2. Love the bags and their path. Maybe like a bunch of monks filing down from their cells for their morning oatmeal.

  3. Spring cleaning? I, once again, agree with Ken.
