Saturday, April 1, 2023

Alan in Mississippi 4

 Well, after a bout of food poisoning from one of our past favorite restaurants, we had a hard time sitting down to paint. Food poisoning is hard on older folks. 

But I did do some work before being stricken down. 

I completed a class assignment with this simple beach scene that was done as a study in values. I would never paint this on my own but I learned from it. I like the dog but I would not place that pole directly over the umbrella.

A lovely spot on the bayou where we get good oysters. These are just a couple of quick pen and ink sketches in my sketchbook with a watercolor wash. I felt like I was too controlled in the first one so I tried to be looser with the second and be bolder with the ink. I was but I was using an ink that ran when hit with water (which I didn’t find out until I hit it with water) but I sort of liked the results even though it turned out darker than I wanted. 

Here is a thumbnail value drawing for the next assignment. It’s recognizable by many Chicagoans as being from Graceland Cemetery. 

Here’s a Yupo study of Greeta in Vicksburg. I just started this and am trying to do it without drawing. 


  1. So sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Hope you're both feeling better. I like the painting with the water soluble ink. It has a mood and immediacy that really works. The Graceland value study looks good. Can't wait to see how the painting proceeds--same for the one of Greeta on Yupo.

  2. Glad you’re better. Love the pen and ink sketches and the Greeta painting — reminds me of Matisse, especially the pattern on the pants. The beach scene turned out well, the values are spot on.

  3. Don't normally like pen and watercolor but these are pretty sharp, but I don't remember no boat in Graceland. And isn't that value study on a paper towel? Oh wait , THAT'S Graceland. Nevermind.
