Monday, December 12, 2022

Painting Studies Inside the Box and An Elderly Pumpkin on Elderly Paper.

 My pumpkin refused to look sad enough. The paper is 130 lb Strathmore very rough paper that is at least 35 years old. Goauche was used for the some of the grasses because I went too dark to get them.  9x12.

Half sheet watercolor paper folded so that each one of these is approximately 5x7.  2 more to go unless I paint on both sides.  If I were a disciplined person, I would focus on learning to draw and paint the flattened circle🙄.


  1. I love the little still life paintings! Is this one of your folded theme booklets, Greta? I'm a big fan of those. In particular, I love the luminosity and reflections of the Chambord, the pottery holding the jade plant and the eggs in the bowl. And the oranges—feels like Cezanne meets Morandi--just beautiful. You're right about the pumpkin; it seems happy and blissfully unaware of its future.

  2. The still lifes look so classic and well apportioned. I especially like the eggs and that cloth behind them.
