Friday, December 9, 2022

Alan fixin’ stuff and practicin’

 Thanking Ken for his thoughtful hints, I worked on this Yupo some more. 

This is the starter’s house at the first tee at Marovitz golf course on the lake painted with watercolor on aquaboard covered with a layer of gesso. 

These are a series of practice sketches on hot press. 

I intensified the colors in this sketch.

This is a graphite drawing with a watercolor wash. 

I can’t think of anything else to do with this so I guess it’s done. 


  1. I am not a fan of cast shadows, but I think the ones along the path would look more natural without hard edges, Like the peaches and the pitcher

  2. I like your path painting. I don't know about soft edges--first, it's hard to do on Yupo, isn't it? and secondly, bright sun makes hard edges. At any rate, the shadows don't bother me. You're definitely done with Greta, too. That's a lovely painting. Your graphite/wash paintings are interesting and worth exploring more, I think.
