Saturday, December 17, 2022


It only took us 7 classes to muster enough courage for our first post :) Still life - objects courtesy of the cabinets of Truman. Both are gouache because we failed our first shopping trip!!!

Bryan's interpretation
Allison's interpretation
Thanks for a fun intro to watercolor, lots left to learn!


  1. Pretty good. I think that painting fabric is so difficult and you both did a really good job. There should be a separate class on painting cloth. The Cezanne still lifes always amaze me because of the way he sets up and paints the folds in the cloth.

  2. Another case where the photo doesn't do the original justice. These are really lovely. I love the way you've caught different aspects of the same subject. One is soft and high key and the other is deeper and richer—like the Monet cathedrals, it's seen in different lighting at different times of day. Love the highlights, the drape of the cloth, and the sophisticated palettes. Looking forward to seeing you next term!

  3. What could be more timeless than a vase and a plastic gourd nestled in a purple cloth? Bryan's looks more like watercolor and Allison's looks more like gouache, though I don't know which these were painted with. Congratulations on making it through the class with almost perfect attendance. Now you become old masters like the rest of us. No more paper towels, eggs, or folded cloths.

    We continue the blog between weekly between classes and I can't wait to see what you will be painting when you can paint whatever you want.

  4. I love the difference between the two, the light and darkness —such a different mood take on the same subject. Give yourself the gift of better paper and keep painting!

  5. A hundred times better than anything I ever did as a newbie. And I had the correct supplies.
