Saturday, December 17, 2022

Alan failing and getting back up.

 I took this picture when I was on the 4th hole at Marovitz on the lake. I’ve always had trouble painting golf holes but I thought that I was fairly successful painting the starter’s shed last month. So I decided to try a regular hole again. 

Everything was going along great until I started to paint the trees. It stopped looking like a golf hole. Those trees have a tremendous amount of bare branches and I tried to paint them using a stiff fan brush. That didn’t work. So I tried painting individual branches and ended up with a dark mess. I was using hot press so I had trouble scrubbing off some color. The paper just pilled and tore. I ended up using pastel to lighten up the branches. I like the composition as I saw it so I’ll try again on cold press and maybe Yupo. 

My week was saved by the little light box paintings. 

The first was a Shearwater porcelain piece that I like. 

Then there was a project with a paper white bulb to paint as time progressed. Yupo allowed me to paint without drawing and I thought it was perfect for the subject.


  1. Nope, that first painting isn't a failure at all. True, the trees aren't bare, but it's just a different time of year. It's a very nice painting. I like the little light box paintings, especially the shadow on the statuette and the touch of spring green in the tip of the bulb as it's beginning to sprout. I want to see the whole progression!

  2. I like the whimsical clouds above the golf course and the skyline and the trees on left and right but not in the middle. Hot press, what can you do? Didn't know they were bulbs until I read your blurb, but it doesn't matter, they are beautiful and complex. I always think the paint should upstage what it is represents. The bottom one looks like a cat giving a thumbs up (the white is his chin), but of course everything looks like something else. A little puzzled by the blue blobs, would like them better if there wasn't white space between them and the bulb.

  3. I like the trees, especially the first one on the left, as well as the whole band of them. I wish they had a little more color or the buildings were a little paler to create a sense of distance. Love the way the paper whites are painted…and the pottery piece, you captured it’s chunkiness.
