Sunday, April 24, 2022

This and That


Belated Easter painting from a photo I took in Ocean Springs two years ago. 
Abstract landscape. I’d love to do something like this really BIG …..will need to practice large washes. 
Jane, My former hair stylist. Nice mother baby image but doesn’t really look like Jane or her baby. Same old story. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Greeta, I love these! The lilies are wonderful—the colors, the composition, the background/foreground balance. And your landscape is stunning. It reminds me of Turner. Yes, do more of those—bigger would be good, but just more! The way you caught the baby curled into Mom and grasping her hair rings so true!

  3. Yeah, I was going to say Turner too. And those flowers look delicious.

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