Sunday, April 24, 2022

Elaine O. — April 24, 2022

The little white church is finished and the mask has been removed. It's interesting how the painting has a totally different feel when the masking fluid is gone. Sometimes,  I'm so satisfied with what I have that I'm (almost) afraid that I'll spoil the painting by removing the mask.

12" x 9"

I started another landscape...I may have mis-spoke when I said I was totally out of masking fluid. There was just enough left in the squeeze bottle that was still liquid-ish to allow me to draw this. I'm hoping the technique suits the subject as well as I think it might.

9"x  12"

While the mask dried, I tried some grisaille in watercolor (painting a grayscale value painting before adding color on top). It always worked so well for Steve M. Still doesn't work for me—I find I have to adjust shadows as I go.

8" x 5"

And what would spring be without my annual sketch of the tree out my window slowly bursting into bloom? I did this, appropriately enough, on Earth day, using brown ink and watercolor.

8" x 5"


  1. I like the tree, it has that spare but hopeful look of spring. Early spring I see as a thin young girl in a pale green dress who speaks softly and shyly, but by the Fourth of July she is belting out tunes like Janis Joplin and her dress is all sorts of swirly colors and she is wearing one of those plumey showgirl things on her heard. I'd like to see this tree as it goes through the transformation.

  2. Grisaille. Interesting. Between a solid underlayment and the use of washes, our work ought to be much richer. There are several interesting videos on YouTube about this. I couldn't get this effect with graphite.
