Saturday, April 9, 2022

SS 3.26.22 Amiga AV

 The painting "Amiga AV" is in honor of a dear friend who survived a car crash 12 years ago. AV , plus 2 other girl friends & I  shared a common history of taking care of our moms in their golden years,  in our homes,  until they passed from old age! It is a warm sorority of sisters from different mothers.  AV survived her accident with reconstructive surgery plus extensive rehab therapy, & she regained a perfect set of teeth. I painted only her facial features in November 2021 & the painting remained untouched since . I returned to this painting on March 26,2022 & I enjoyed painting her hair of varying shades & colors. What a great fascinating liberating exercise for my new eyesight!

1 comment:

  1. All these portraits are sublime and capture a unique personality too. They are so alive. You could enjoy looking at them for hours on end. Including the portrait of the hernia.
