Sunday, April 10, 2022

Kid Stuff….



did these 3 studies from a photo of Nora. The first two are small 5 x 7 and the last one in 9x12. I’m trying to simplify my drawing process and trying to draw with the paintbrush first to identify the values.

And here’s a tree study I ve been working n. I think it’s done. It’s on that6 x 18 landscape paper. I used a lot of mask for the yellow buds on top. Maybe the lower background needs to be darker…this tree was just stark  White against the dark blue sky the other day before it rained….


  1. All your concentration on "shape" has made for some really great paintings. That tree is lovely--both the shapes and the beautiful sense of color your paintings have. The Nora paintings so perfectly capture that whole vibe of pre-bedtime playfulness and of Nora individually.

  2. Support for Ukraine. I love it when I can follow the branches to logical conclusions. Also love the subtlety of the shadings on the bark and the way the you balanced the yellows on the top and bottom.

  3. I get that she is lying down somewhere and that it's funny, but I would turn it around so that her head is on top. But then what do I know?

    1. Here you go. Save the pic to your photos, edit the photo by turning it 180, problem solved.

    2. Well yes. I suppose that would work.

  4. Your paintings of Nora are stunning in person. The unexpected placement, the style, colors, values, everything. The photos you took diminish them with the uneven, yellow-ish lighting that alters the exquisite coloring, and poor cropping that disrupts the excellent composition. Come on.
    The landscape worked out perfectly, in all ways, don't you think?
