Sunday, September 1, 2024

August 31, 2024 — Elaine O.

Before we get back to serious back-to-school painting, I've been experimenting, palette cleaning and using up supplies. Here's the honesty plant again, using two colors that seem to hate each other (seriously, they separate even as you mix then!) but make beautiful washes together.

approx. 8" x 5.5"

Then I found a sketchbook paper that actually hates masking fluid. I did a light wash, then masked, then applied the background. So far, so good. When I went to remove the mask, it scarred the paper underneath and tore strips from the background, too. And I was being very gentle.

approx. 8" x 5.5"

Then, there's palette cleaning. Besides the palette dirt, I have a few colors that are almost used up and won't be replaced. I don't want to waste the paint, so I did some direct watercolor portraits. Both of these have little regard for actual local color. I'm just using up paint and working on portraiture. Both are approx. 8" x 5.5".

And now it's time to refresh my palette and prepare for some "real" painting when the gang gets back together.


  1. Are the two colors indigo and burnt sienna? Love that plant. I can see them on the wall.

    I too had trouble with masking fluid but mine was with the maskit itself. Negative painting can be tricky. When I try to get a smooth wash it’s a problem and I usually just give up and do something else.
    Nice portraits. Keep using up old paints.

    1. Surprisingly, no burnt sienna in that top painting. The two colors are cerulean blue and either light red or venetian red (my cheat sheet has both names, and I didn't cross out the older one--but my guess would be light red.)

  2. Your paintings looks so free and lively. It looks like you've had a good summer of painting. Great compositions and delicateness in execution.

  3. I like the look of the honesty with a white background, makes them look transparent, but with that dark blue they look like opaque white. I like the determined set of the woman's jaw. What colors are you banishing from your palette?

    1. Yeah, I thought those pods would have a yellow transparent glow, but not really. I have a couple of wells that are for temporary or experimental colors. Monet's Emerald Green has overstayed its welcome. Also, I have a Light Green with a slight blueish cast. I've used up the tube and I'll be replacing it with a light green that leans more yellow--just to see if that's more useful or if I want to rebuy the current color.
