Sunday, September 22, 2024

Went to class Saturday and all i came back with was these two lousy postcards.

 Well blown up they look pretty good to me, but in person they are only 4x6.


  1. They may only be 4x6 postcards, but they are exquisite. I don't know if it's the space limitation or the thought that it's just a study, but you have some great compositions and you seem to have stopped before it's too late. These compositions would hold up at a larger size, as would the limited palettes (which I also like). Again, these look even richer in person, especially the second one.

  2. It’s interesting to see these next to Elaine’s church - there are some great similarities— just a different intention. I like the watery feel of the top one. Those colors are beautiful together. The bottom one is like a closeup of a tie dyed shirt. Imo the red needs a stronger foil; the brown seems a little weak next to it.

    1. That's just what I thought! A shoreline and a tie dye shirt! Except the second one is much better in person. Less brown, more peach and much better contrast.

  3. Finally. I love smaller works and….if you get on a nice roll with a concept they make a great series. The groupings can be very attractive. Love the first one and agree with Sara about stronger values in the second.

  4. Love the first one. It has so much movement and that uneven edge at the right is exquisite. I named it Breakthrough.
