Wednesday, September 25, 2024

This rock formation is in Chaco Canyon, northwest corner of New Mexico.

The second painting is a rock formation in Joshua Tree NP. I think this is the best
landscape painting I have done so far.

The third painting is of Michigan Lake in winter. I wanted to do something that is fairly monochromatic
but is still a good representation of the actual scene.

The final painting is a Winslow Homer watercolor. I am trying to upgrade my work by copying
someone someone who has a complete understanding of the medium. 


  1. You have a distinctive palette, Susan. It works especially well with the subjects you choose. I love the light and shadows and the colors of your second painting. Great idea to include the car in the first for scale! I also like that last painting--the minimal palette and the expressive brushwork really give the sense of place. These are all lovely.

  2. Beautiful effect from such a minimal palette in all the paintings. Really like the contrast of the sky and rocks in the first painting. The compositions on the middle two are very striking, especially the kissing rocks. The lower right corner offsets those massive stones so nicely. Great work!

  3. Such rich paintings with a minimal palette. I luv the car peaking out in the first landscape. It seems to anchor it down as well as give it a sense of scale. The complimentary colors of the rocks and sky really work well. The frame and mat adds even more to the tension between the two rocks painting. The shapes, colors, value, textures are great. I like the way the snow scene allows your eye to travel down from clouds to blue sky through water and ice to smooth snow and shadows. Swoop like a bird. And your last painting is so expressive with the liberating brushstrokes, some sweeping, some more calligraphic. The composition perfect and yet with so much movement. Glad to see your work up on the blog, Susan.

  4. Lovely work. The minimal palette is well used in works and provides such subtlety. I love painting rocks.
